
I was having some trouble keeping the spark up during the holidays and into this new year. It was a busy one because I got sick at Thanksgiving and my schedule for completing things personally and business-wise was interrupted. It was a bit of a struggle due my cold and recovery of it made me really fatigued and sleepy. So that kind of laziness went through the holidays into the new year.

Knowing that I was in a lazy kind of funk, I decided to get my spark back by building brick projects like these succulents. This helped me to wind down and relax after work, and more importantly -think creatively again. I also purchased some new art supplies with the gift certificates that were kindly gifted to me. As well as receiving my monthly Artsnacks box. These made me want to pick up the brushes again and want to start painting.

Everyone needs a break I suppose, even from their passions. But that spark has returned and I hope to y'all come along for the adventure.



Work Life Art


New photo zines for my shops